Education to end extreme poverty

Help kids in India get educated and brighten their futures

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Yellow Room # | donors |
raised total

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School days funded

Fund child education!

$1 funds 2 days of education for 1 child

$4 (8 days/month)

  • Campaign vetted by world-renowned experts
  • 100% of your donation goes to the cause
  • $1 donation unlocks video updates & stories
  • Earn Impact Points by spreading the impact
Verified Impact guarantee
Results of your donation will be shown to you on your Donation Tracker. No more guessing what happened.


Best dollar you've ever donated

$1 Return on Donation:

2 Days

of education & support for a child

Empowers Girls

and helps end child marriage

Provides Supplies

for school & basic nutrition

DDC Cartoon

Meet Yellow Rooms

Sarthak Foundation

Education to tackle poverty

Flying pig

Integrated Impact Score

6 vetters


Trust Rating



Risk Rating

Yellow Rooms are classrooms that serves as a safe space for kids in the heart of impoverished communities. They provide education and help children develop intellectually, emotionally, and physically. They restore dignity and hope for families trapped in cycles of poverty and addiction.

Sarthak uses a ‘whole child’ model to nurture safe, joyful, hopeful kids and families.

Read Our Vetting Report

$1 sends a kid to school for 2 days

Verified Impact guarantee
Results of your donation will be shown to you on your Donation Tracker. No more guessing what happened.
Sitapur map
Flying Pig

Sitapur, India

We Vetted the Crap Out of this Project

The Integrated impact score

4 - 6 week vetting process per project

Dark flying pig




Track Record


Impact Stack



Read Our Vetting Report
Vetter Photo

“This is one of the most sustainable approaches to poverty alleviation. A small donation has a ripple effect beyond just one child, into a family and into a community.”

Priti Rao

Senior Advisor, Dalberg

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“Sarthak is a scrappy organization working with a vulnerable population. $1 will go a long way in helping young children realize their dreams.”

Mridhula Sridharan

Project Manager, Asian Venture Philanthropy Network; former Associate, Dasra

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“A catalytic opportunity to change lives by providing a safe space to learn, grow, and fully be yourself.”

Molly McMahon

Senior Director, IDEO

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“I see tremendous value in this concept; it needs to be scaled up by orders of magnitude.”

Nicholas Haan

Chair, Singularity University; Founder, Kizo Africa

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“One of the most effective ways to impact change is to educate every child, everywhere, with quality education to become change agents in their own lives.”

Chad Frischmann

Founder, Regenerative Intelligence; former Director, Project Drawdown

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“I am impressed with Sarthak’s commitment to long-term outcomes and care for everyone who has been a part of their program.”

Tom Chi

Co-founder, Google X



“the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does my donation go?

How much of my donation goes to the cause?

How do I know if this will actually make an impact?

Does Dollar Donation Club take a fee?

Can I trust Sarthak Foundation?